Top Mechanical Service Now Servicing Easthampton Massachusetts

Are you in need of heating furnace repair near me or maybe your in need of air conditioning repair well you came to the right place.

"Because We're Not Comfortable Until You Are"

Furnace Care and Repair What do we recommend?

Top Mechanical Service recommends often cleanings for these units every six months. These semi-annual cleanings and check ups on the units are vital to the longevity of a units life span. This also helps enhance the power of the unit as it ensures the best work and quality. Money also plays a big part in why we recommend them so frequently. Yearly maintenance checks are most popular, but the semi annual checks really do the trick to stop problems in your heat before they start. We all don't want to be stranded on a cold winter night with no heat, so be sure to get your furnace inspected today! Maintenance Plans Often times, due to price work up people opt into Maintenance Plans, like our Gold and Silver Plans. Maintenance plans apply per unit. For example people often have a plan for their heating equipment, which includes their furnace, and their air conditioning unit. This means that each unit is ensured in their own Maintenance Plan. These plans help people ensure that their units are maintained properly and know if there is a problem before it becomes a bigger deal. These time gaps help to plan out any spending on the unit in the future for what is best. What Plans Do We Offer?

Preventative Maintenance Plans

Residence of Easthampton give us a call today

Gold Plan The most prestigious plan and insurance on your furnace that we offer is our Gold Package. This guarantees many valuable things for the home owner including some part replacement for no cost, the dispatch/diagnostic fee being waived, no overtime or holiday rate changes, 24 hour on call service, and semi annual maintenance checks! Because of the high quality of this package it is elite and the technicians must inspect the unit before it can be approved into the program.

Silver Plan offers discounted diagnostic fees and rates no over time charges, guaranteed service with 24- hours and peace of mind service knowing that your well taken care of.

Heating And Air Conditioning Repair

If you’re receiving large heating bills because your house feels cold or has uneven heat, you may be in need of heating repair. A heating unit that isn’t working is simply inefficient and will cost you more in the long run. With nearly 30 years of experience Top Mechanical Service provides fast, 24-hour heating repair by our HVAC Certified technicians.

From deciding to replace your furnace to scheduling maintenance or furnace repairs, Top Mechanical Service of East Longmeadow has you covered.

Top Mechanical Service located in Western Massachusetts services the City of Easthampton and all of its neighborhoods including this zip code 01027. We service all brands of heating & air conditioning equipment so you can be assured that our technicians will be able to determine the problem. Prior to beginning any repairs on the unit, the technician will communicate directly with you about what’s needed to repair your pice of equipment and how much it will cost you so that there are no surprises later.

All of our estimates, which will be approved by you before any work is started, include parts, labor and taxes.

Some of the services we offer include:

Working Service

Furnace Repair Service

The sooner you call us, the sooner we can come to your home to fix your furnace as quickly as possible. Our HVAC certified technicians have been trained and certified in the industry so they could fix your problem correctly the first time. We are trained to service any kind of furnace or boiler, so you can be sure you’ll get the best service possible.

What you will want to know when you suspect your furnace needs a repair service:

Furnace Maintenance

With all of life’s demands, we know it can be a challenge to prevent your furnace from breaking down, but you can help prevent it with annual furnace maintenance visits. Our comprehensive furnace tune-ups actually save you money for a few reasons. First, a well-maintained furnace will operate more efficiently and uses less energy, which is also good for the environment. Second, proper maintenance means less spending on repairs. We think spending that money on other things is something we all prefer. We can make this happen and help lower energy bills in the process.

At Top Mechanical Service, we offer a variety of furnace maintenance and tune-up plans. Some of the most important checks include:

Examine and Clean Gas Burner Section

We inspect the heating exchange surface for flaws or signs of wear, which is critical to maintaining peak efficiency.

Verify Proper Airflow and Blower Operation

This procedure ensures air is properly circulating through your home to produce the highest comfort.

Ensure Correct Calibration Of Gas Valve

We analyze your unit’s fuel operation to keep the right amount of pressure delivered to the furnace. A properly functioning gas valve is important for efficiency and safety.

Examine All Electrical Components

A number of your system’s electrical parts should be examined annually for damage, corrosion and safe operation. The last thing you need is a problem with one of these parts on a cold winter night!

Comfort System Inspection

This heating and cooling service covers 29 checks, including our exclusive recommendations in our work reports so you can learn about any indoor air quality risks in your home.

Just remember that routine furnace maintenance reduces repair costs and can also help lessen your energy bill. When the equipment is properly maintained, it simply runs more efficiently.

Furnace Installation

If your furnace is beyond repair or maintenance, our heating and cooling consultants will help you determine which unit will work best for you based on the size of your home, your family’s air quality preferences, financing budget and desired energy efficiency. Then it’s just a matter of having our expert technicians come to your home to install your new efficient and energy saving furnace.

Other tips for your heating system

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when seasons change, so it’s understandable that you could forget to switch your thermostat over to “heat.” Double check to make sure yours is set correctly.

Check your furnace switch

Your furnace switch looks like a normal light switch and should be in the Up, or On, position. Once On, your furnace should turn on in a couple minutes as most systems utilize built-in delays.

Change your furnace filter

Your furnace switch looks like a normal light switch and should be in the Up, or On, position. Once On, your furnace should turn on in a couple minutes as most systems utilize built-in delays.

Check the circuit breaker

Go to your home’s circuit breaker panel and find the breaker that controls your furnace. Determine if it is in the middle position or the Off position. If it is, cycle the breaker to Off and reset it to the On position.

Family-owned since 2012, Top Mechanical Service is here for any heating repair needs you may have. Whether your system is electric, gas, duel fuel, heat pump, oil or a boiler, we have all the tools and knowledge needed to get the job done right the first time. There isn’t a problem too big that we can’t handle.

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