Ductless Mini Split Repair

The average air conditioning split system and comes with a 10-year manufacturer warranty. An air conditioning split system, also called a ductless HVAC system, consists of a small outdoor unit and non-invasive indoor devices that are often mounted on the walls of each room in your home. A split system is more efficient and often smaller than a traditional air conditioning system. Split systems are often recommended instead of window units because they can save you money on your electric bills and are often a great addition if you’re expanding your home or want to only cool certain parts of your home

Mini Split

Signs You Need to Call Us for AC Repairs

Not all air conditioning malfunctions are as obvious as the system stopping and refusing to turn back on. There are early warning signs that will inform you that it’s time to pick up the phone and call our technicians:

Strange noises: Among the sounds that you shouldn’t hear from your air conditioner on a regular basis are clicking, grinding, hissing, and screeching. These sounds can indicate dying motors, leaking refrigerant, bad capacitors, and more. Never hesitate about calling for repairs when these noises start.

Ice on the evaporator coil: There are a number of reasons for frost to start to develop along with the air conditioner’s indoor coil. None of them are good, and you need to have the problem attended to by technicians as soon as possible

If your Mini Split/ heat pump needs to be repaired or replaced, call us! We’ll get your up and running again fast! Heat pumps are a vital part of your home heating and cooling system here in the Western Ma area. Whenever the heat pump isn’t working properly in your home, regardless of whether it is a chilly winter night or heat of the summer, you want it fixed fast. We work hard to protect the comfort and safety of your family, or your occupants.

Family-owned since 2012, Top Mechanical Service is here for any heating and air conditioning repair needs you may have. Whether your system is electric, gas, duel fuel, heat pump, or oil we have all the tools and knowledge needed to get the job done right the first time. There isn’t a problem too big that we can’t handle.

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